
Posts Tagged ‘wisdom’

It was a dramatic weekend in our corner of the world. I am struck by how difficult and complicated life can be at times, but at the same time I am amazed at how those times can be an opportunity for people to come out so much stronger and wiser, and how deft people can sometimes be at seeing the silver lining. I am also somewhat awestruck by how amazingly good some people are and feel very blessed to be associated in any way with these individuals. There are people in this world who are genuinely good souls. Sometimes it is so overwhelmingly wonderful to be reminded of that, particularly since so much of the time we are exposed to the opposite.

I think it’s important to care about one another. That seems like a no-brainer, I know, but sadly it doesn’t seem to be. There’s so much “me first” and “get you before you can get me” in this world that I think it’s that desperately important to stress how much we need to look out for one another.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m a huge proponent of personal responsibility. The longer I live, the more important I see that it is to take responsibility for our own failings and shortcomings and not constantly look for someone else to blame or to fix things for us. But in an ideal world, we would all take that personal responsibility and also look for ways in which we could help those around us, when they just aren’t able to help themselves. Or, at the very least, when the opportunity comes up to do so, take it. I am not as good about this as I would like to be. I’m trying to be better.

I think that the very act of caring for others benefits us, as well, in very tangible ways. It often poses a significant cost, in terms of time or effort or even monetarily, and that can be discouraging or even prohibitive. But I am a firm believer in karma, and I truly believe that the cost it imposes is never as great as the eventual reward.

We see this, I think, particularly clearly in the framework of this Challenge. It costs us little – a few minutes out of our day, some thought and some empathy – to provide one another with the support and encouragement to keep striving toward our mutual goal of better health. But the rewards! The support we, in turn, receive…the knowledge that there are others out there who understand what we’re going through, and who will take that time out of their own day to offer that support…and that even when they aren’t actively reading, we are in their thoughts! And the soul-deep warmth of reading another’s words and identifying completely, and maybe seeing something suddenly in just the right light…gaining sudden understanding or the key to solving a problem you’ve been having…it’s priceless. And, in fact, can’t be bought for any price. Sure, you can pay a counselor to listen and talk to you about your problems, but you can’t pay someone to care and you can’t buy those few words someone else may post at exactly the time you need to read them.

And an even subtler reward is the sense of self, the increased understanding and gentle compassion that are fostered within us by the act of taking the time to read, to think, and to care. Every caring act, every selfless act and moment of empathy, make us better people in ourselves. Whether it’s helping a neighbor in need or rescuing a turtle who’s in danger, every single selfless thing we do feeds our own souls – and the souls of those around us who witness it and are thereby enriched.

I have met some amazing people who do that – do what they can to help, unselfishly and uncomplainingly, even at significant cost or inconvenience to themselves – and I can’t tell you how blessed I feel as a result. It may not be me they’re helping…but…inasmuch as we are all connected, it really is, I guess. Just seeing it happen is pretty soul-feeding.

I did feel compelled to gush a bit about this, because I think it’s important to memorialize the good things. So much time and effort are spent venting and exorcising the bad that I think it can start to color our very awareness. I don’t want to be looking down all the time! So I try to take these chances to look up, and to sing about how great it is up there. 🙂 And there’s a lot to sing about…people like Cammy, and B. (you know who you are), and all the folks on this Challenge…you all make the world a better place, just by being you. Thanks again, and may your wonderfulness return to you, a thousandfold.

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